Tuesday 11th March 2025


The John Charles Centre, Indoor Bowling & Athletics Centre, Middleton Grove, Leeds.


All secondary Schools in Leeds area are eligible and all Schools will have be invited in Winter 2024

Specific Rotary club representatives will be in regular contact

We invite your school, academy or college to participate in the 16th Leeds Rotary Technology Tournament (2025). 

This follows the  successful events held previously with up to 30 schools having taking part at some time.

The event is overseen and sponsored by the Rotary Clubs in Leeds, District 1040: these are Aireborough, Calverley, Headingley, Leeds White Rose, Leeds and Roundhay, as well as The University of Leeds, Local businesses and local councillors. 

As this is a one day event bringing together teams of 4 students from secondary schools and colleges across the Leeds Region of Rotary District 1040. They are set a technology problem to solve and all is completed and tested in one school day. This provides opportunities for team building and practising communication skills, as well as problem solving and learning from mistakes and modifying the design.

Awards are be presented to the winners to display in their school and certificates for all taking part

These can be used for the CREST Discovery award providing the school has registered for the award with the British Science Association.

It is also an opportunity to inspire girls to consider a future in Engineering, and WISE (Women in Science and Engineering) support this event.


 Pupils from Years 7, 8 & 9 will tackle the Foundation Task

 Pupils from Years 10 & 11 will tackle the Intermediate Task

 Pupils from Years 12 & 13 will tackle the Advanced Task

Schools can submit 3 teams of 4 pupils, one at each level, but if teams for one or two levels only, can be submitted then normally there is a maximum of three teams in total. Teams with less than four members need to be agreed in advance  

Note: Lunch Students should bring their own packed lunch.

Please confirm your school's interest and think about which students you might like to send. You might like to consider selecting students who would particularly benefit from the opportunity to take part, rather than those with a particular aptitude for technology.   

We look forward to receiving your application (by post or e-mail) using the the contact tab or the form below.

Rotarian: Derek Davidson

2 Lidgett Park Road


Entry Form

We wish to register our interest in participating in the Rotary Technology Tournament to be held on Tuesday 11th March 2025

School: ________________________________________________________________

Address: _______________________________________________________________

_____________________________________________Post Code: ______________

Tel: _____________________________________________________________

e-mail address ____________________________________________________

Name of Contact Teacher: __________________________________________

We will be sending ______Foundation team(s)

______Intermediate team(s)
______Advanced team(s) 

More information regarding student details will be needed nearer the date of the Tournament

Return this form to:

Rotarian Derek Davidson, 2 Lidgett Park Road, LEEDS LS8 1EQ